WAPF Wellington NZ

The SCD and the Zero Carb diet are just two of the therapeutic diets available. Here's an overview of what diet might be best for each person.

For a person who is basically well:
- the WAPF diet is a good option
- or Paleo is a similar diet which we also support.

For a person who has a chronic illness, they will often need to go to a more restrictive diet (at least for a while), which excludes common allergens and other hard to digest foods:
- GAPS (Gut & Psychology Syndrome)
- SCD (Specific Carbohydrate diet) which GAPS was based on
- AIP (Autoimmune Paleo) - similar to GAPS but excludes extra foods which are common allergens

Or for the person who has tried the other diets and still doesn't go well on plant foods
- Zero Carb is an option that works very well for some people. (Note that Dr Natasha puts some of her GAPS patients on a No Plant diet if std GAPS is not enough)
- Low Carb or ketogenic diets generally are also very successful for many people, Zero Carb being at the end of that spectrum
This chart gives an overview of what foods are allowed on each diet. Note that there are no diets recommended that are plant based. We believe that the animal foods are vital for human health and vegetarian diets are best suited for short term cleansing only.